Bahamas Spring 2008 - Page 10


This is the part of the church in use. It is the left side of the main building where the roof has been repaired.

This entrance is the door on the left. However, the hinges were failing. Also, the repaired section could use more paint

The church bell hangs in the tree on the path to the church..

This is the church as seen from a vacant lot across the street. The part in use is just the small area along the side of the main church building. The widespread decay of buildings illustrates a more prosperous time in the past for the far islands of the Bahamas.

The school teachers house in Albert Town, Long Cay, Bahamas.

This is where the janitor for the school lives. There is a chicken enclosure to the right of the building. The hens laid eggs in the enclosure which also kept the roosters from the hens.

This yellow building was for the the 9 students attending class. The students came from nearby islands and Albert Town. The students stay in Albert Town except for holidays and summer vacation. It is an all grades school with one teacher.

We then left Albert Town, Long Cay and went to Delectable Bay off Acklins Island. The cruising guide indicated a restaurant for food but when we went ashore we discovered the restaurant had been closed for several years.

The The Coopers Highway Inn Restaurant & Bar closure is indicative of the general economic health of the far Bahamas. We were told the owner had gone to Nassau for a better business climate.
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